Saturday, March 26, 2016

Teton Dam, Idaho

Teton Dam Idaho. Is one of those places on Earth that every step is thought provoking. Not for its magnificent beauty, not for anything you can see any longer.

It is awe invoking, it is captivating. It is a landmark of travesty.

The Teton Dam was built in the 70's, it was a Earthen Dam built on the Teton River in a canyon. It was doomed from the start. Built on fractured rhyolite and basalt. The dam it's self was permeable. On June 5th 1975, the dam failed. Not completely, but a hole in the dam opened up, then 1/3 of the dam collapsed, enough to drain the nearly 251,000 cubic feet of water, killing 14 people and devastating Rexburg, Sugar City and even reaching as far as Idaho Falls. You can learn more about the dam here.

Part of the 305 foot tall earthen dam wall remains. I climbed that mound of earth, I followed the Teton River upstream for about 3/miles. The whole path, the whole canyon, I stood in the Teton River looking up those walls,  this was all underwater. This gently meandering stream held back by a shoddy wall of earth.

I didn't even make it to the extent of where the Reservoir reached at the time of the breach. Water is a forced not to be controlled, at least with out intense, profound, respect.

It was a harrowing hike.

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