Monday, December 27, 2010

Not a Hike but Does it need to be

The Hole Tourist, that's the name of the blog, and as we all know tourist just don't hike. They go to plays, movies, see some sites. To be honest, few tourist probably do hike, or a least make that their main priority.
Anyway I figured I would add in a quick blog about some other stuff we do here in Jackson.

Jackson is an amazing community town, that being said we have some amazing community centered organizations that provide activities to do, and occasionally are kid friendly if not oriented. Once such organization is the Jackson Hole Center for the Arts. They are responsible for putting on numerous plays, ballets and shows throughout the year and recently they have added a digital media center. Which is essentially a movie screen and surround sound to go with it.

Anyways the On December 19th they put on a free day to show off their new technological advancement. Kevin and I took the girls to go see one of their free movies "Curious George's Curious Christmas". Before the show they were giving out cookies, cupcakes and other sweet snacks as well as water and juice boxes, and that made for a nice environment for the kids to mingle and meet. We even ended up seeing some "old friends" that the girls went to pre-school with. It was nice, the movie was the exact right length for kids to stay focused on and the atmosphere somehow seemed more kid friendly than that of the typical movie theatre. The best part, no snacks in the theatre; which meant that instead of worrying about getting a fair share of popcorn, or when they get their candy ,or their drink being all gone the kids could actually focus on the show. Another upside was that it was full of kids and parents, thus the laughing, the giggling, the talking, and even the occasional crying wasn't as disruptive as it typically is in a theatre, it didnt have that feeling of condenming eyes that typically follow a chatty child in a movie theatre. After the show the kids were each given a goodie bag, which just summed the whole trip up as a success as far as they and I were concerned.

As an adult the added benefit of this new entertainment system at Center for the Arts is all the added concerts and shows that we may now be able to participate in without leaving town. Not many big acts come to Jackson, Willie Nelson comes about once a year and we hosted Tom Petty I think a few years back, but mostly its has-beens or wanna-be's that come here to play.  Not that I blame the big guys, its treacherous to get here in the winter and in summer its so busy and its not like we have a venue that can allow for a grand concert, that can be kept to paying customers only. So in my opinion I am happy for the development. Center for the Arts has always been an outstanding place for this community to get its fill of the Arts, with the new system I am sure it will only add to the opportunities it provides to this valley.

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